This project was one of the first commercial work i took up, right after finishing my MA in Marketing Management. The project was for a well established Travel and hotel firm, known as Cyprea Pvt. ltd, main aim of which was to develop a uniquely differentiated product, and marketing plan to include in their Bid proposal to the government to acquire the island, Olhuveli, for resort development. They already had a well established brand name, Kani Resort, which has been in operation since 1980, and they wanted to create an extension of the brand. The basis for the development of the brand was the geographical area, which until then […]
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Lintel corporation approached us to work on a concept to promote their company’s vision, and corporate identity, “Truly Lintel”, in the form of a television advertisement. After having numerous discussions with the company executive team, we decided the advertisement should be predominately visual, and unlike other conventional company corporate video, break new grounds, and be cinematic and out of the box. Lintel Corporation has throughout its life, innovated and changed the Maldivian business landscape. They had pioneered many facets of how to do business in Maldives, to enable the introduction of more sustainable business model, which acknowledges, local knowledge and expertise, and social responsibility. We wanted the advertisement to […]
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While going through some old files, I came across some design work we did during the early years of mooinc. pvt. ltd., around 2004 to be precise, to promote ourselves in a way that would make us distinctive, holds people attention, and put across a sense of humor. From what i can remember the idea behind it was to play in to peoples inclination to associate mooinc, visually as a “cow”, as well as to have a story or a narrative, which is surreal and visually attractive and relatable, to us at least. The following are some files i able to recover. A 3d cow was initially sourced and, and […]
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Mooinc. pvt. ltd., was initially asked by VB Brothers (Vaaly Brothers) to revitalize their brand identity to enable the brand to have a level of consistency and versatility in usage in a more modern communication context. They were one of the pioneers of wholesale importers and distributors in the Maldives, with a long and established heritage. The business was established by two brothers in 1970s, and very recently the business was handed over to their children. The young blood now wanted to reposition the brand to make it fresh, and more relevant to the modern customer base. initially we did extensive research to identity potential target groups and current competitive […]
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“Dhoonitha”, (Birds), is a song off the album, “Furolhu” by Kushehnooney, a Maldivian Music Band. The album came out around 2003/2004, recorded in a small room, by 5 close friends, who had played together in different guises. It was their penultimate, album comprising of songs developed within a range of a decade or so prior to its release. More about the band and their songs can be viewed here During the initial launch period, they wanted to develop a video of one of the singles off the album. The decision to choose Dhoonitha was Albow Arifs idea, one of the lead singers of the band, and an animator himself. […]
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The initial idea for the development of the campaign identity was that it had to encompass all the Communication criteria set out in the Communication plan, which includes; firstly, that all materials have to be educative, secondly, that it has to be regionally specific, thirdly, it has to be durable and sustainable, and fourth and lastly that it has to be interactive and enable collaboration. What we wanted was not just a visually distinctive identity, but a useful tool which can enhance and help the message reach the target audience in a relevant and effective manner. In order to this, we utilized the data consolidated during the initial research […]
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The document outlines the social marketing plan for public awareness campaign for disaster risk reduction, response action, mitigation & early warning in the Maldives. The objective is to design a campaign to enable the population of Maldives to be informed, knowledgeable, and aware of the hazards they face and vulnerabilities that exists within their own community, to enable them to utilize resources, which are accessible to them, to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters, personally and as a community During the development of the plan we took into consideration how we could try and revitalize as well as utilize the indigenous beliefs and knowledge and practices which helped […]
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“Rakaavethibeyya Dhivehiraaje” was a Disaster Awareness Campaign designed by mooinc. pvt. ltd. The objective was to design a social Marketing campaign to enable the population of Maldives to be informed, knowledgeable, and aware of the hazards they face and vulnerabilities that exists within their own community, to enable them to utilize resources, which are accessible to them, to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters, personally and as a community. Initial research was conducted in an attempt to explore people’s current attitudes and perception towards disaster risk, within a regional context, as well to identify the communication gaps that exist between scientific fact & behavioral best practice. In conjunction with […]
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Dhiraagu, first telecommunication service provide in the Maldives, wanted to celebrate 20 years of service, and proposed mooinc, to develop a communication campaign which would enable them to reestablish an emotional connection with their existing & potential customer base. We took the challenge as an opportunity to explore one of the most prominent and well-established brands in the Maldives, and see how we can provide a solution for them as well as their customer base. We were given 4 days to propose a concept for the campaign to their executive team. Although there wasn’t much time, we knew we would need to research the existing perception of the brand […]
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