The Greatest Story Ever Told

Too busy gazing at our navel to notice, Armageddon This is my attempt to form a narrative and make sense of everything. I will do this in 3 parts. I believe everything can be categorized in to 3, no less because, the concept of time requires us to acknowledge that there is a beginning, a middle and an end, and the fact that our own physical sense of existence within the abstraction of time, is defined by the confines of our own mortality, which follows 3 distinctive stages, birth, life and death. My claim here is that, humanity has approached the 3rd and last act, i.e., “death”. It’s not as […]

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The Shifting Scale of Economics.

… and the evolution of the “Maldivian Dream” We have been led to believe that economic success has always been dictated by the scale of the population you are able to reach. This is applicable at every level, from individual to companies to countries. Within an individual level, trading your surplus produce, with your neighbors, was what shaped the conventional economic models that our livelihood is based on, built around the idea of specialization and division of labor. The individual evolved from subsistence livelihood, and formed companies or corporations, extending the scale of production, and with it, the need to reach further geographically, hence the beginning of what we now […]

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The Art of Democracy

Art is a reflection of particular moment in time, seized by the artist/artists, and immortalized by the viewer. Maybe as humans the inevitability that time will pass no matter what, deem us powerless, which through creation of art, we hope to be able to some how reclaim. Early morning, on 27th September 2013, one day before the scheduled second round of the presidential election, which the supreme court was intending to postpone indefinitely, putting the country precariously off course constitutionally,making way for major civil unrest, I saw something which, momentarily at least, gave me a sense of pleasure, in other wise disheartening day. A group of young people (no more […]

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HIV Prevention: A broadcast campaign proposal

As marketing consultant at mooinc. pvt. ltd., I am in charge of developing proposals for marketing bids, majority of which is for Government and UN agencies. This is one of the proposal, significance being, this is one of the proposals we didn’t win. As any bid proposal we look at the terms of reference, and deconstruct the document to determine the main  problem as described from the point of view of the client. We layer the TOR, within marketing communication theories and models, to enable us to identify the core problem, hence how marketing solutions could help alleviate it. I wanted to share this document, as in my opinion shows […]

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Maldives Art School – An Idea

Maldives Art School, was envisaged during the time I was studying for my Fine Art Degree, as part of a career development seminar, around 1998. But it was only after finishing off my postgraduate studies, that I was able to put my ideas in to paper. The core idea, of the Art school, was tested earlier, when few Maldivian students studying in the UK, came up with a way to create a situation to enable school leavers to explore different fields of art, by collaborating with established specialist and experts renowned their specific fields. The workshop was known as “Maravalhi ’98. Although this was only a 7 day workshop, the […]

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Its the Medium, stupid

    Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase “medium is the message”, the channel of delivery supersedes the content in importance, or less adamantly, the mediums influences how the message is perceived. This idea is more evident than ever during the time of elections, when political candidates and parties fall over each other to capture a slice of our consciousness & memory. Today Dr. Waheed hoisted  a larger than life “Selfie”, on a random street in Male’. The picture looms imposingly from above, with a certain amount of banality in his expression, which, at some level is awe-inspiring, and intimating at the same time. What is significant is that there is […]

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The Most Important Art Exhibition To Be Ever Held In The Maldives – curated by a government

  Yesterday 26th July 2013, marked the 48th Independence day of Maldives, 2nd independence day to befall within the time of coup government, which over threw the 1st democratically elected government of Maldives on 7th Feb 2012. The day would have been another tedious affair, no more significant than any other, where high level government officials pat their own backs and embellish history,and weave a tangled web of deceit and xenophobia, for selfish political gain. That is until the government decided to lock the doors to National Art Gallery, just hours before an Exhibition curated by RaajeTv, named “2 Fiyvalhu Fahatha”(2 Steps Back), representing Artworks by local artists was due […]

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Selling Nothing

  I was doing research for a corporate video spot for a Maldivian company called, Lintel Investment, a leading distributor of luxury perfumes, skincare & cosmetics, when i came across very distinctive trend in relation to future of advertising and branding. Before we get in to this, it might be a good idea to say a little bit about the project itself , which was to develop a video spot for Lintel, reflecting the company’s core values and strengths, or in summary introduce the company as one that brought innovation and progressive ideas to the Maldivian business sector. Our idea was to develop a video spot which in itself was […]

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The Distance between the Idea & Image/

ފެންނަ ފެނުމާއި ،  ވިސްނޭ ވިސްނުމާއި ދޭތެރޭ ހުރި ގުޅުމާއި ބެހޭގޮތުން ފިކުރުކުރުން (Considering the relationship between what you see (image) and your thoughts (idea) “Philosophy” when translated in Dhivehi by students (1st year Architects). For the communication module, I had to introduce the basic idea of perspective to the first year architecture students. As part of the design module they were already researching Plato’s Essentialism Philosophy, hence i wanted continue from the line of thought, to make them familiar with the basic concept of perspective. I didn’t want to start off with “perspective”, as an arbitrary idea, but to enable the students to get a sense of how, through-out history, people have investigated […]

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